In this video: Go on-site at an electronics store and learn about new TV technologies. 

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Your refrigerator can be one-third of your energy bill. Learn what to look for when shopping for a new fridge to save you money.

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Give your appliances a vacation

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Give your appliances a rest while you're out of town - your utility bill will thank you for it!

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Cleaning dryer vents

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Drying clothes takes a lot of energy. Keeping your dryer vent clean makes your appliance more energy efficient.

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Smart appliances

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Devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home are integrating with smart appliances to change your experience in the kitchen.

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Cooking with energy

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Simple, everyday cooking habits can save energy in the kitchen.

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Video game consoles

boys playing video games

If you have kids, you probably have at least one video game system in your home. There are settings in today's gaming systems that can save energy.

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Maintain your appliances

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Appliances start to wear down and use more energy. Here are tips to help keep your appliances running at top efficiency.

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open dishwasher

Features like booster water heaters and smart sensors can cut hot water usage by up to 30 percent.

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New trends in appliances

Kitchen with new appliances

Learn about some new trends in appliances, like heat pump clothes dryers, variable compressor refrigerators and induction cook tops.

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